Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mass Effect ...

I haven't been doing anything last few days when it comes to programming and working on the website. Just didn't feel like it at all ... sigh. Not been feeling too well and couldn't find the energy or will to do so. However I really should be doing some work soon again, since I am still planning to start streaming on Justin TV April 1st.
Last few days I have been watching someone play Mass Effect. Wow, I am intruiged by that game. Great story, wonderful graphics, wish I could afford to buy it and play myself. I got on the JTV/Twitch channel by accident. When searching for a channel to watch, it showed on the main page and I was kind of bored watching any more Minecraft, so I clicked. I got stuck watching ...
There was something else though that caught my attention and made me stick for the last few days. We seem to have something in common as I understood after visiting her website and having a look around on her forum. Will try to get in touch some time soon.
Anyways, I believe this is one hell of a great game which first release was in November 2007 and now has 2 sequels as well as of March 2012. All three parts together make up for a fantastic story and many hours of gameplay. There is also a lot of Downloadable Content (DLC) available which will only add to the gameplay/story.
Too bad this game has been going on for a while already, but if I ever get a chance to buy it, I certainly will. For now I just enjoy watching it and reading up on the story to try understand what exactly is going on in this game. If you are curious, I certainly recommend having a look for yourself. Catreina (Jenni) played ME3 first, then started playing all over again starting with ME1. To watch the archives or have a look Live on her channel, visit: or I know that by watching a full play through and reading all about this game spoils the whole story of course, but I don't care, I just love it anyway :)

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